Welcome to the penultimate juice in this ‘Juice Along With Jason’ Lockdown Special series. But although tomorrow will be the last JUICE, it won’t be the last video as there will be two more blends to come over the weekend. I think it’s safe to say that Sunday’s is the ultimate finale and a great recipe to end on.
If you’ve been following the series, you’ll know that I am in the process of writing my new book – Juice ‘n’ Blend Me! – and I’m asking you lovely people to WATCH the videos, MAKE the recipes and then RATE them from 1-10. If enough people give the recipe a 10, it’s going in the book! I really appreciate the many who have been doing just that and also appreciate that it’s not always easy to get hold of the ingredients at this time. If that’s been the case for you, make sure you make a note of these recipes and then you can simply make them at a later date.
Today’s recipe is PAW ME, PAW ME, PAW ME ANOTHER JUICE! (don’t panic, the name may well change before it goes into the book…IF it goes into the book.) Please check the bottom of yesterday’s video for the ingredients (or just watch this video of course).
To find out about the equipment I’ve been using in the various videos, just nip on over to my website www.juicemaster.com There’s also some great offers for during this lockdown time, so have a peruse.
Also, another reminder (just in case making juices isn’t quite for you for) you can get all of my plans delivered directly to your door from www.juicemasterdelivered.com. This service is currently only available in UK and Ireland, but we will be expanding once life returns to normal.
Tomorrow’s recipe is THE AMBER NECTAR and here’s what you’ll need if you want to Juice Along with me at 9am tomorrow (UK time)
🔴Apricots 4 (buy hard ones as you’ll get more juice)
🔴Carrots 2
🔴Orange 1 Large (or 2 small ones)
🔴Ginger 1-Inch
🔴Turmeric Powder 1 Pinch
🔴Ice 1 Small Handful
See you tomorrow from 9am for the last juice (but NOT the last recipe!)